Kamis, 07 Januari 2016

latihan toefl

1.      Over the centuries, ____ that try to explain the origins of the university.
(A) although many theories
(B) many theories
(C) have many theories been
(D) there have been many theories
Pembahasan Jawaban:
Langkah 1:  'that try to explain the origins of the university' merupakan adjective clause. Adjective clause menjelaskan noun yang letaknya sebelum adjective clause itu sendiri. Jadi sebelum adjective clause di atas mesti ada noun yang dijelaskan. Pilihan C sudah jelas salah karena bukan noun yang sebelum adjective clause tapi 'been'.
Langkah 2: Kalimat di atas terdapat 1 clause 'that try to explain the origins of the university' yang terdapat connector 'that' yang juga berfungsi sebagai subject dari verb 'try'. Adanya 1 connector menandakan dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat dua clause. Olehnya yang kita butuhkan dari pilihan jawaban ialah 1 clause. Clause ialah kumpulan kata yang didalamnya terdapat subject dan verb. Pilihan A dan B bukanlah clause.  Jadi pilihan yang tepat ialah pilihan D.

2.      . The planet Venus is almost exactly the same size and mass _____ Earth, with a similar
interior, including a nickel-iron core.
(A) to
(B) as
(C) is
(D) than
Pembahasan Jawaban: the same + as
3.       George Washington Carver ____ international fame for revolutionizing agriculture research
in the southern United States during the early twentieth century.
(A) won
(B) winning
(C) who has won
(D) the winner of
Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas kehilangan verb jadi kita butuh verb.
4.       Constituting one of the earliest engineering techniques, ______ in Paleolithic time was done in order to extend natural caves.
(A) tunnels were built
(B) which built tunnels
(C) the building of tunnels
(D) tunnels whose building
Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas buuth subject. Verb dari kalimat di atas ialah 'was done'.
5.       The tulip tree is native to the eastern United States, _____ the tallest and largest broadleaf
(A) where
(B) where it is
(C) it is where
(D) is where
Pembahasan Jawaban: 'where it is the tallest and largest broadleaf tree' merupakan adjective clause yang menjelaskan noun sebelumnya 'the eastern United States'.

6.       Elementary schools in the United states provide formal education ______ arithmetic, science, social science, and communication skills that including reading, writing, spelling, and speaking.
(A) such subjects as basic in
(B) as basic subjects in such
(C) in such basic subjects as
(D) as in such basic subjects
Pembahasan Jawaban: pasangan kata yang benar ialah such as bukan as such. Jadi pilihan B dan D sudah jelas salah. Ingat pola noun phrase (adjective + noun). Kita lihat dipilihan jawaban ada kata basic (adjective) dan subjects (noun). Antara A dan C hanya C yang memnuhi syarat pola noun phrase (adj. + noun).

7.       ______ land and money enabled construction of the Union Pacific railroad to begin from Council Bluffs, Iowa, in 1865.
(A) By the government granting of
(B) Government grants of
(C) For the government to grant
(D) Government grants so that
Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan dari kalimat di atas ialah subject. Verb nya ialah 'enabled'.

8.       Appointments to the United States Supreme Court and all lower federal courts ____ by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.
(A) making
(B) to make
(C) are made
(D) have made
Pembahasan Jawaban: Terdapat 'by' jawabannya mesti passive 'are made'.

9.       The name “squirrel” is commonly used for those forms of the family Sciuridae that live in
trees, _____ it is equally accurate for ground dwelling types.
(A) whether
(B) that
(C) although
(D) in spite of
Pembahasan Jawaban: Ada dua clause. Clause 1 = 'The name “squirrel” is commonly used'; Clause 2 = 'it is equally accurate'. Untuk menghubungkan ke dua clause di atas kita butuh connector. Connector yang tepat ialah 'although' (pilihan C)

10.   Green plants combine _____ with water and carbon dioxide to make food.
(A) energy derived from light
(B) energy, derived it from light
(C) energy is derived from light
(D) from light, and energy derived
Pembahasan Jawaban: kalimat di atas sudah terdapat subject dan verb jadi kita tinggal butuh object. Pilihan C sudah salah karen terdapat clause tanpa connector (tidak bisa jadi object). Pilihan D salah karena terdapat 'from' --> combine + noun tanpa 'from'. Pilihan B salah karen 'derived' menjelaskan 'energy' jadi tidak lagi butuh it.
Materi ini masuk dalam topik Adjective Clause (Reduction) atau juga Past Participle

11.   From the archeologist’s perspective, understanding the past is vitally important and requires ______ of earlier cultures.
(A) the ruins examined
(B) examining the ruins
(C) of the ruins to be examined
(D) that the examined ruins

12.   The Texas Legislature selected Vassar Miller _____ in 1982, and again in 1988.
(A) was the state’s poet laureate
(B) as the state’s poet laureate
(C) the state’s poet laureate
(D) become the state’s poet laureate
Pembahasan Jawaban:
Langkah 1: Kalimat di atas sudah lengkap Subject dan Verb. Jadi kita tidak lagi butuh verb lainnya. Pilihan A dan D olehnya sudah jelas salah.
Langkah 2: Ketika kita menggunakan kata 'selected' tidak lagi perlu menggunakan kata 'as' tapi langsung saja noun setelahnya.
Contoh lain: I selected you the president of the meeting club. Kata kerja yang lain masuk dalam kategori kata kerja semacam ini ialah: consider, find, believe, think, prove call, name, elect, appoint, nominate, make, paint, suppose, turn (mengubah), dan build.

13.   The distinguishing feature of a fluid, in contrast to a solid, is the ease _____ .
(A) that a deformed fluid
(B) to deform a fluid
(C) when a fluid that is deformed
(D) with which a fluid may be deformed

14.   Oxygen and nutrients reach the body’s tissues ____ from the blood through the capillary wall.
(A) pass
(B) by passing
(C) to be passing
(D) have passed
Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas sudah lengkap subject dan verb jadi tidak butuh lagi verb. Pilihan A dan D sudah jelas salah. Pilihan C tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat.

15.   _____ important development of the Neolithic age was not in the manufacture of stone tools but in the production of food.
(A) The most
(B) Most
(C) Most of
(D) Of the most
Pembahasan Jawaban: Ada beberapa aturan dalam menggunakan most / most of
 Most of digunakan sebelum plural noun yang mempunyai determiner atau pronoun di depannya.
Contoh: Most of the students live with host families.
Most of  students live with host families. (Salah karena tanpa determiner)
 Most digunakan sebelum plural noun yang tidak mempunyai determiner atau pronoun di depannya
 Contoh: Most students live with host families.
Most of students live with host families. 
Before a plural noun that does not have a determiner or pronoun in front of it, don't say 'most of', just say  most :

Dari penjelasan di atas sudah jelas bahwa pilihan B dan C tidak sesuai pada kalimat.
Pilihan D salah karena jika menggunakan bentuk of the most itu bearti akan ada beberapa benda / hal yang di-list dan biasanya ditandai dengan koma. Di atas tidak ada tanda-tanda adanya yang di-list.
Contoh; Of the seven students, Anto is the best one at speaking English.

16.   Among the 450 artworks in the White House art collection __
(A) as is Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children
(B) is Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children
(C) which is Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children
(D) Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children
Pembahasan Jawaban: Materi ini masuk dalam Inversion (pembalikan) ditandai dengan adanya 'place expression' di depan kalimat. Subject dari kalimat ialah 'Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children'
Inversion --> Verb + Subject

17.   An unconsolidated aggregate of silt particles is also termed silt, __ a consolidated aggregate is called siltstone.
(A) which
(B) why
(C) whereas
(D) whether
Pembahasan Jawaban: Dalam kalimat atas, terdapat dua clause. Clause 1 = 'An unconsolidated aggregate of silt particles is also termed silt'. Clause 2 'a consolidated aggregate is called siltstone'. Olehnya kita butuh 1 connector untuk mengubungkan dua clause. Pilihan B sudah jelas salah karena why bukanlah connector. Pilihan A salah karena 'which' merupakan connector yang digunakan dalam 'adjective clause'  yang menjelaskan noun. Jadi posisi 'which'  ketika digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua clause berada setelah noun yang dijelaskan. Pilihan D salah karena 'whether' masuk dalam 'noun clause' yang berposisi sebagai 'subject' atau 'object'.
2 Clause butuh 1 Connector; 3 Clause butuh 2 Connector

18.   In 1864 the American Shakespearean actor Edwin Booth gained critical acclaim when he __ Hamlet at the Winter Garden Theater in New York City.
(A) perform
(B) performed
(C) had been performing
(D) having performed
Pembahasan Jawaban: Dalam kalimat atas, terdapat dua clause dan 1 connector 'when'. Clause 1 = 'the American Shakespearean actor Edwin Booth gained critical acclaim'. Clause 2 'he __ Hamlet at the Winter Garden Theater in New York City'. Clause 2 kehilangan verb olehnya kita butuh verb untuk melengkapinya. Pilihan yang benar ialah B karena waktu nya berbentuk past (in 1864).

19.   -- are chiefly derived from petroleum.
(A) Plastics today
(B) There are plastics today
(C) Because today plastics today
(D) Due to plastics today
Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan ialah subject kalimat

20.   Most tangerine trees and their flowers and fruits resemble __ the orange, although tangerines are generally smaller.
(A) of those
(B) which of those
(C) those of
(D) which are of
Pembahasan Jawaban: 'resemble' ialah intransitive verb (kata kerja butuh object).
Jadi resemble langsung ketemu 'those' sebagai object.

21.   Ohio, the center of __ the Hopewen culture, has the greatest concentration of ancient burial mounds in the United States.
(A) called
(B) what is called
(C) that is called
(D) is called
Pembahasan Jawaban: setelah 'of' mesti noun. 'what is called' meruapakan noun clause.

22.   __, such as jazz, are often played from memory rather than from a written score.
(A) Of some types music
(B) Music some of types
(C) Some types of music
(D) Types of music some
Pembahasan Jawaban: yang dibutuhkan ialah subject kalimat

23.   During the 1850’, reform movements __ temperance and the abolition of slavery gained strength in the United States.
(A) advocating
(B) they had advocated
(C) to advocating
(D) to advocate when
Pembahasan Jawaban: 'advocating temperance and the abolition of slavery' merupaka adjective yang menjelaskan / memberi informasi tambahan terkait 'reform movements'.

24.   Many meteorites are thought to have originated from __ that once existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
(A) where a planet or planets
(B) a planet or planets so
(C) which a planet or planets
(D) a planet or planets
Pembahasan Jawaban: 'that once existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter' merupakan adjective clause yang menandakan adanya noun yang dijelaskan sebelumnya.

25.  The modem automobile is a __ composed of more than 14,000 parts.
(A) complex technical system
(B) system of complex technical
(C) complex technical system that
(D) system is technically complex
Pembahasan Jawaban: article 'a' menandakan adanya noun setelahnya. Selain itu 'composed of more than 14,000 parts' merupakan adjective yang menandakan adanya noun debelumnya.

26.   __ over 100 years since the invention of the square-bottomed paper bag.
(A) Now is
(B) Now it has
(C) There is now
(D) It is now
Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan ialah subject dan verb. dari pilihan jawaban yang paling sesuai dg kalimat ialaha 'It is now'.

27.  The novelist John Dos Passos developed a style of fiction incorporating several documentary devices __ to his works.
(A) lent realism
(B) that lending realism
(C) to lend realism
(D) of whose realism lent
Pembahasan Jawaban: developed + to lend
Verb + to + verb
Verb + gerund (verb ing)

28.   In Earth’s infancy, its surface was warm enough for life __ the young Sun was fainter than it is today.
(A) in spite of
(B) whether
(C) neither of which
(D) even though
Pembahasan Jawaban: yang dibutuhkan ialah connector untuk menghuungkan dua clause di atas. Pilihan A sudah jelas salah karena 'in spite of' merupakan preposition bukan connector. Pilihan B salah karena 'whether' berposisi sebagain noun: subject dan object. Pilihan C salah karena 'neither of which' masuk dalam kategori adjective clause yaitu menjelaskan noun setelahnya. Seteah neither of which pun langsung ketemu verb yg berarti tida sesuai dnegan kalimat.
Pilihan D benar. Materi ini masuk dalam kategori 'Adverb Clause'.

29.   The invention of the compound microscope (which allowed much higher magnification through multiple lenses) made __ the great strides in life sciences.
(A) it possible
(B) possibly
(C) possible
(D) it was possible
Pembahasan Jawaban: Make + possible + sth (noun)

30.   Hares generally have longer ears and hind legs than rabbits and move by jumping __ running
(A) rather to be
(B) rather than
(C) are rather
(D) as rather

Pembahasan Jawaban: rather than = (dibanding). Digunakan untuk perbandingan

1.      Over the centuries, ____ that try to explain the origins of the university.
(A) although many theories
(B) many theories
(C) have many theories been
(D) there have been many theories
2.      . The planet Venus is almost exactly the same size and mass _____ Earth, with a similar
interior, including a nickel-iron core.
(A) to
(B) as
(C) is
(D) than
3.      George Washington Carver ____ international fame for revolutionizing agriculture research
in the southern United States during the early twentieth century.
(A) won
(B) winning
(C) who has won
(D) the winner of

4.       Constituting one of the earliest engineering techniques, ______ in Paleolithic time was done in order to extend natural caves.
(A) tunnels were built
(B) which built tunnels
(C) the building of tunnels
(D) tunnels whose building

5.       The tulip tree is native to the eastern United States, _____ the tallest and largest broadleaf
(A) where
(B) where it is
(C) it is where
(D) is where

6.       Elementary schools in the United states provide formal education ______ arithmetic, science, social science, and communication skills that including reading, writing, spelling, and speaking.
(A) such subjects as basic in
(B) as basic subjects in such
(C) in such basic subjects as
(D) as in such basic subjects

7.       ______ land and money enabled construction of the Union Pacific railroad to begin from Council Bluffs, Iowa, in 1865.
(A) By the government granting of
(B) Government grants of
(C) For the government to grant
(D) Government grants so that

8.       Appointments to the United States Supreme Court and all lower federal courts ____ by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.
(A) making
(B) to make
(C) are made
(D) have made

9.       The name “squirrel” is commonly used for those forms of the family Sciuridae that live in
trees, _____ it is equally accurate for ground dwelling types.
(A) whether
(B) that
(C) although
(D) in spite of

10.   Green plants combine _____ with water and carbon dioxide to make food.
(A) energy derived from light
(B) energy, derived it from light
(C) energy is derived from light
(D) from light, and energy derived

11.   From the archeologist’s perspective, understanding the past is vitally important and requires ______ of earlier cultures.
(A) the ruins examined
(B) examining the ruins
(C) of the ruins to be examined
(D) that the examined ruins

12.   The Texas Legislature selected Vassar Miller _____ in 1982, and again in 1988.
(A) was the state’s poet laureate
(B) as the state’s poet laureate
(C) the state’s poet laureate
(D) become the state’s poet laureate

13.   The distinguishing feature of a fluid, in contrast to a solid, is the ease _____ .
(A) that a deformed fluid
(B) to deform a fluid
(C) when a fluid that is deformed
(D) with which a fluid may be deformed

14.   Oxygen and nutrients reach the body’s tissues ____ from the blood through the capillary wall.
(A) pass
(B) by passing
(C) to be passing
(D) have passed

15.   _____ important development of the Neolithic age was not in the manufacture of stone tools but in the production of food.
(A) The most
(B) Most
(C) Most of
(D) Of the most

16.   Among the 450 artworks in the White House art collection __
(A) as is Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children
(B) is Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children
(C) which is Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children
(D) Mary Cassatt’s Young Mother and Two Children

17.   An unconsolidated aggregate of silt particles is also termed silt, __ a consolidated aggregate is called siltstone.
(A) which
(B) why
(C) whereas
(D) whether
18.   In 1864 the American Shakespearean actor Edwin Booth gained critical acclaim when he __ Hamlet at the Winter Garden Theater in New York City.
(A) perform
(B) performed
(C) had been performing
(D) having performed

19.  -- are chiefly derived from petroleum.
(A) Plastics today
(B) There are plastics today
(C) Because today plastics today
(D) Due to plastics today

20.   Most tangerine trees and their flowers and fruits resemble __ the orange, although tangerines are generally smaller.
(A) of those
(B) which of those
(C) those of
(D) which are of

21.   Ohio, the center of __ the Hopewen culture, has the greatest concentration of ancient burial mounds in the United States.
(A) called
(B) what is called
(C) that is called
(D) is called

22.   __, such as jazz, are often played from memory rather than from a written score.
(A) Of some types music
(B) Music some of types
(C) Some types of music
(D) Types of music some

23.   During the 1850’, reform movements __ temperance and the abolition of slavery gained strength in the United States.
(A) advocating
(B) they had advocated
(C) to advocating
(D) to advocate when

24.   Many meteorites are thought to have originated from __ that once existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
(A) where a planet or planets
(B) a planet or planets so
(C) which a planet or planets
(D) a planet or planets

25.  The modem automobile is a __ composed of more than 14,000 parts.
(A) complex technical system
(B) system of complex technical
(C) complex technical system that
(D) system is technically complex

26.   __ over 100 years since the invention of the square-bottomed paper bag.
(A) Now is
(B) Now it has
(C) There is now
(D) It is now

27.  The novelist John Dos Passos developed a style of fiction incorporating several documentary devices __ to his works.
(A) lent realism
(B) that lending realism
(C) to lend realism
(D) of whose realism lent

28.   In Earth’s infancy, its surface was warm enough for life __ the young Sun was fainter than it is today.
(A) in spite of
(B) whether
(C) neither of which
(D) even though
29.   The invention of the compound microscope (which allowed much higher magnification through multiple lenses) made __ the great strides in life sciences.
(A) it possible
(B) possibly
(C) possible
(D) it was possible

30.   Hares generally have longer ears and hind legs than rabbits and move by jumping __ running
(A) rather to be
(B) rather than
(C) are rather
(D) as rather

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